Classic lines from The Wrong Ambush.

  • 01. When your wife goes out, you have to follow her, when she orders you have to obey her, and when she makes a mistake, you have to follow her blindly. Wife make-up to wait for "get", wife spend money to spare "get", wife angry to endure "get", wife's birthday to remember "get". "
    -- "The Wrong Ambush
  • 02. I understand everything, I just want to do the wrong thing!
    -- "The Wrong Ambush
  • 03. I'm not afraid of losing my head, I'm afraid of living in the dark.
    -- "The Wrong Ambush
  • 04. Are you Ms. Ouyang Yunduo? I am. An uncle asked me to deliver a letter to you.
    -- "The Wrong Ambush
  • 05. I'm afraid you're a porker's mind and a cabbage's life, so I'll just make you vinegar.
    -- "The Wrong Ambush
  • 06. Have you figured out the pattern of Guo Mu Tian's activities?
    -- "The Wrong Ambush
